Terms and Conditions 4×4 Freedom Express

Please read these Terms and Conditions of use carefully before using this website and the 4x4 Freedom Express (Online Program).

By subscribing to this website and the 4x4 Freedom Express (Online Program), you are indicating your agreement with these Terms and Conditions. If you do not wish to agree to all of these Terms and Conditions of use, please do not subscribe. We may revise these Terms and Conditions at any time. Your continued use of this website and the 4x4 Freedom Express (Online Program) will indicate that you accept those changes.

Disclaimer. The information provided in the 4x4 Freedom Express (Online Program) is NOT intended to take the place of medical advice or treatment from your general physician. It is intended to assist and support your efforts to recover from disordered eating by helping you identify the behaviours, thoughts and attitudes that keep you stuck on the food/weight control treadmill, and the practical action steps you can take to get off the treadmill and begin to recover a life free of disordered eating.

It can be done in conjunction with additional coaching support from MichelleSparkes.com &/or the support of other health professionals as determined by yourself in consultation with your GP.*

Disordered eating exists on a spectrum with healthy eating attitudes and behaviours at one end of the spectrum, clinical problems (eating disorders and obesity) at the other end of the spectrum, and problematic beliefs and behaviours somewhere in between. 

Disordered eating behaviours can have serious health consequences. The level and type of support you may require to recover from disordered eating will depend on your individual circumstances. This is best determined in consultation with your general physician or family doctor.*  It is a condition of participation in this program that you agree to seek medical assessment before commencing the 4x4 Freedom Express (Online Program) and to maintain oversight (as directed by your general physician) for the duration of your participation in the program. By accepting this agreement you are confirming that you understand and agree to this condition.

Michelle Sparkes recommends all participants (and their carers) familiarise themselves with the Mental Health First Aid Guidelines as a valuable resource. A letter you can take to your GP to help you discuss your disordered eating concerns and the objectives of the 4x4 Freedom Express can be found here.

Please note. This website and the 4x4 Freedom express online program is NOT designed to respond to immediate, critical situations such as thoughts of suicide. If you are thinking about suicide, or you feel that you may try to harm yourself or another person please dial “000” (Australia) now or go immediately to the nearest hospital emergency room. If you are currently receiving treatment please follow the emergency procedures used by your doctor or therapist.

Minor children and Adolescents.  The 4x4 Freedom Express (Online Program) is not appropriate for, and should not be used by, persons under 18 years of age. Persons under the age of 18 who think they have, or may be developing, an eating disorder, or who think that they may be depressed or suffering from any psychiatric disorder or illness are urged to talk with their parents or guardian about seeking evaluation from a doctor or qualified mental health professional. By accepting this agreement you are verifying that you are 18 years or older.

Liability. Michelle Sparkes.com shall have no liability for claims by, or damages of any kind to, a user of this website and the 4x4 Freedom express online program (or any other person), for any decisions or actions taken based on information in this program. Such damages include, without limitation, damages for personal injuries, emotional distress, and other non-monetary loss, as well is direct or indirect damages. Michelle Sparkes.com does not make representations about the accuracy, reliability, completeness, or timeliness of the program contents, text, or links, on or through the use of this site. We, to the full extent permitted by law, disclaim all warranties, express or implied. By using this website, you are agreeing to the provisions of this disclaimer, and you waive all claims against Michelle Sparkes.com that may arise in connection with your use of this website, or the information contained in it.

Indemnity. You agree to indemnify, and hold Michelle Sparkes.com (Essential Health Concepts P/L) its officers, directors, employees, licenses and contractors, harmless from any claims, actions or demands, liabilities and settlements including without limitation, legal and accounting fees, resulting from, or alleged to result from, your violation of these Terms and Conditions.

Payment. MichelleSparkes.com does not collect or store any financially related information. All data and payment information is gathered and stored by Stripe. Here is a resource by Stripe that explains how they handle personal information: https://stripe.com/docs/security/stripe

Copyrighted program material. The content of the 4x4 Freedom Express is protected by copyright. Title to the content remains with Michelle Sparkes. No part of the 4x4 Freedom Express Program may be reproduced or transmitted in any form whatsoever, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any informational storage or retrieval system without express written, dated and signed permission from the author. Michelle Sparkes permits you to print copies of material from the 4x4 Freedom Express solely for your personal, non-commercial use. If you violate any Terms and Conditions, your permission to use the content of this program automatically ends, and you must immediately destroy copies of material from the 4x4 Freedom Express program.

Private Facebook group. Access to a private Facebook group is currently unavailable. 

Third party Links. Michelle Sparkes.com may provide links to other Internet sites maintained by third parties. Such links do not imply an endorsement or sponsorship of such sites, or the information, products or services offered on or through the sites. MichelleSparkes.com will is not responsible for the content of linked third-party sites, books, or other resources, and does not make any representations regarding the content or accuracy. Your use of third-party websites is at your own risk. Please be aware that is all third-party sites mentioned or linked to on this site may be subject to additional terms and conditions.

Privacy Policy. MichelleSparkes.com is committed to protecting your personal privacy and upholds strict security procedures for the storage of your personal information. The 4x4 Freedom Express (Online Program) is hosted on the Thinkific Platform (Course site). This course site is "End-to-End Encrypted." This ensures all data collection points are secure and completely private. The Thinkific course site collects the following information from the student user :

· First Name

· Last Name

· Email Address

· Password

· Course Enrolments

· Course Activity (what lessons have been viewed, what lessons have been completed)

This information is used to process your order and provide your ongoing learning experience. You can access the Thinkific Privacy Policy here https://blog.thinkific.com/privacy-policy/    Credit card handling is done by Stripe. MichelleSparkes.com does not collect or store any financially related information. All data and payment information is gathered and stored by Stripe. The following is a resource by Stripe that explains how they handle personal information:


The e-mail address you provide for order processing may be used by Michellesparkes.com to send you information and updates pertaining to your order.  MichelleSparkes does not share your personal information with any third parties.

These Terms and Conditions updated September 25, 2017

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