Free to be yourSELF

I love this quote by John Eldridge, “Let people feel the weight of who you are and let them deal with it.”  It fits so well with the premise of Women Worth their Weight and the Freedom Express. I believe self acceptance is the key to overcoming disordered eating and developing health and life-affirming behaviours. I believe self rejection is at the heart of disordered eating. The path into disordered eating may not start with intense feelings of self rejection but this is generally where it ends — in a place where we are literally trying to rid, remake or remodel everything about us that we deem unacceptable. The journey from self rejection to self acceptance is not easy or simple but it is well worth it because it is the key to getting free to BE yourself.

Welcome to the more thoughts about the journey into freedom.

I welcome your feedback and questions. [email protected] mp_sparkes

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