ALL STOPS train or Freedom Express?

If you’ve ever taken an ALL STOPS train or bus to get to your destination you will know it takes forever and stops at places enroute you have no need or desire to visit…all of which takes precious time from you reaching your destination. Time lost on a train journey may not be significant but when that time is your LIFE and it’s spent spinning your wheels on the ED treadmill, the cost to you (in time, health and opportunity) can be enormous!  Welcome to the 4×4 Freedom Express – a unique online program designed to provide the knowledge, skills and support you need to fast-track your way off the ED treadmill and head to freedom-land by the most direct route possible. If you’re sick and tired of spinning your wheels in eating disorder bondage-ville, I invite you to climb onboard the Freedom Express.  Right now I’m looking for a handful of  pre-launch “pioneers” ready to take the journey and reap the benefits. Contact me at michelle@michellesparkes for a free no-obligation consultation.

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